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The students designed AUV won the Best New Award in Robosub2016
2016-12-21 17:15   审核人:

Robosub2016 sponsored by ONR and RoboNation of United States held in SSC Pacific TRANSDEC in Santiago on July 24th to 31st . Among the two teams sent by NWPU, the intelligent under vehicle team from School of Marine Science and Technology(SMST) reached the final and won the Best New Award.


Robosub is the most effective and also the most competitive AUV Challenge around the world. This year, a total of 48 teams participated in the competition including Cornell, California Poly, National University of Singapore,Indian Institute of Technology etc. Besides, AUV tasks would be different every year. All of these made Robosub a big challenge for two teams from NWPU.

The competition required AUV to go through the gate with width limit, recognized the guide lines underwater, grab or throw the target and float upward within the acoustic signal area in 15 minutes and fully automatic. Our SMST team eventually grasped the only opportunity of repechage and obtained the highest 5000 scores in task Random Pinger.
